I would love to join an NGO can help raise an issue to awareness to bring aid to people who are in need.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
These are all NGO's that are here to help women all over Latin America for their rights to an education, domestic violence, labor opportunities and much more!
I would love to join an NGO can help raise an issue to awareness to bring aid to people who are in need.
I would love to join an NGO can help raise an issue to awareness to bring aid to people who are in need.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Labor Rights Awareness
- There are 40 women in formal jobs for every 100 men.
CAT - Centro de Apoyo al Trabajador Puebla
- Millions of women have informal jobs
- Unemployment is much likelier for women than men
- Promotions are a rare case
- Minimal respect, dangerous work environment, mistreatment, labor rights are often ignored
CFO - Comité Fronterizo de Obrer@s
CACEH - Centro de Apoyo y Capacitación para Empleadas del Hogar
These three organizations provide the information of workers labor rights and the employers working conditions. The location of these organizations take place in Mexico.
Step # 1 Direct to Home
- Reaching out to the women outside of their work environment is more comforting. Usually CAT or CACEH will reach them out in public while at the park, schools, shopping centers, etc. It is more relaxing for women to be interviewed outside of the work place because they will not feel watched.
Step # 2 Fight for Your Rights
- After familiarizing yourself with organizations such as CAT, CFO, and CACEH now it is time to gather a group of people who can come together and discuss the importance of women's rights and how to fight for them, aware others in order to educate them.
Step # 3 Setting Labor Standards
- Improve working conditions for household workers
- "CACEH also acts as an advocate of labor reform, and seeks that Mexican regulations stipulate a professional salary scale, working hours, social security rights and accident protection for domestic workers."
Step # 4 Against Sexual Abuse
- "Sexual harassment is the most sensitive of the offenses women may decide to denounce, and it is all too frequent. “A majority of women suffered harassment at work, this is a problem nationwide,” says Velásquez. For women to get promoted or a salary raise, they are expected to offer a sexual favor, she says." (http://www.iadb.org/micamericas/section/detail.cfm?language=English&id=9133§ionID=MNGER)
Labor Rights !
Women have to fight the barriers of hatred men feel to wards them everyday. Facing the fight everyday in competition with men for leading job positions is a struggle that is well aware but hasn't been resolved. Women are slowly raising to the top, this is improvement and it is empowering to young girls that they can reach for any job opportunity that men receive.
"Heredia and the other women labour leaders interviewed by IPS pointed out that only one Latin American woman has reached the presidency of a trade union federation: Bárbara Figueroa, who since 2012 has led Chile’s Central Unitaria de Trabajadores, the country’s biggest union, with over half a million members."
Alexandra Arguedas, head of TUCA’s gender programme, explained that to boost female participation in the labour movement, the regional confederation demanded at its second ordinary congress in 2012 that its member unions set a 40 percent quota for women in leadership structures.
TUCA - International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) regional organisation for the Americas, and the largest regional workers´ organisation. It was founded in 2008 and represents more than 50 million workers from 53 national trade unions in 23 countries.
TUCA - International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) regional organisation for the Americas, and the largest regional workers´ organisation. It was founded in 2008 and represents more than 50 million workers from 53 national trade unions in 23 countries.
Statistics of Femicide
Statistics available dated from 2003
Seven Latin American countries score among the worst 10 nations when measuring the rate of femicide per one million women in 40 countries.
United States 22%
Mexico 24%
Dominican Republic 37%
Bolivia 43%
El Salvador 66%
Colombia 70%
Guatemala had the world’s highest rate with 123 femicides per one million women.
Seven Latin American countries score among the worst 10 nations when measuring the rate of femicide per one million women in 40 countries.
United States 22%
Mexico 24%
Dominican Republic 37%
Bolivia 43%
El Salvador 66%
Colombia 70%
Guatemala had the world’s highest rate with 123 femicides per one million women.
¡Basta! Women Say No to Violence
Violence Against Women
Women all over are being abused by there husbands or partners. To date, 30 countries have enacted laws against domestic violence or who have acted out violence as crime. An estimate amount between 10 and 50 percent of women report being physically assaulted by there male partner.
Enforcement of the laws isn't strongly supported by the law-enforcement within there countries.Women do not receive the amount of attention needed if they have been badly battered. It is required for a report to take place of her injuries to show as proof later on. It is a huge process and many women get stuck in the process. It is sad to hear how women are just turned away by the only "support" they really have. But some countries have been making progress in providing there women organizations or programs where they will receive help and any support needed to help bring them back to there feet an at times take them away from their husbands.
It has even grown to reach femicidio-killing of women- which is the elimination of women.
"Violence against women devastates people's lives, fragments communities, and prevents countries from developing," said Noeleen Heyzer, executive director of the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) at the 2001 Symposium on Gender Violence, Health and Rights in the Americas in Cancun, Mexico.
Enforcement of the laws isn't strongly supported by the law-enforcement within there countries.Women do not receive the amount of attention needed if they have been badly battered. It is required for a report to take place of her injuries to show as proof later on. It is a huge process and many women get stuck in the process. It is sad to hear how women are just turned away by the only "support" they really have. But some countries have been making progress in providing there women organizations or programs where they will receive help and any support needed to help bring them back to there feet an at times take them away from their husbands.
It has even grown to reach femicidio-killing of women- which is the elimination of women.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Facts of Inequality
In respect women all over are still fighting for their natural rights!
For example in Guatemala, the illiteracy rate within the indigenous women is 60%. 40% higher than those non-indigenous women. Even with higher education levels, women earn less than men. In Mexico, women earn an average of 20% less than men. In Argentina, 12% less. In Brazil, the figure is 25% less. (http://blogs.worldbank.org/latinamerica/latin-america-women-still-struggle-for-equality-at-work-and-at-home)
For example in Guatemala, the illiteracy rate within the indigenous women is 60%. 40% higher than those non-indigenous women. Even with higher education levels, women earn less than men. In Mexico, women earn an average of 20% less than men. In Argentina, 12% less. In Brazil, the figure is 25% less. (http://blogs.worldbank.org/latinamerica/latin-america-women-still-struggle-for-equality-at-work-and-at-home)
Women – especially poor women – have less say over decisions and less control over resources in their households than men. 40% of women in the region do not participate in decisions concerning major household expenses. Women keep being under-represented and have no power in making formal political decisions.
Men are born and raised to believe themselves of a higher figure to women. This is a cycle that has been slowly breaking. It take time and awareness to strengthen the souls of women to fight for their rights a natural born humans. Women deserve equal as too men.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Tenemos Que LUCHAR Por Nuestros Derechos!
We must fight for our rights!
Inspirational song I must say.
Inspirational song I must say.
Si Se Puede!
We need to fight for our rights! Especially our right to Vote. Without the right how will our voices get the chance to be heard? Fight for your RIGHTS ladies and gentlemen! If you truly do not believe that your vote counts, will best think the opposite. In the end all the votes count and I will give you my word. I believe that you have your right to feel free to believe what you believe in!

The Movement for Gender Equality
Women all over are fighting for equal rights. This video is an example of a women teacher running for presidency for her school districts teachers union. At first it was being frowned upon that she decided to run for this leading position especially because her opponent was a male. Her fight for her rights is raising awareness in order to educate others that we need to break the cycle to the alpha male leading everything. Women are becoming independent and are seeking higher job opportunities in order to provide for themselves and not have to depend on there significant other (husband most likely).
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
The Right for an Education
Women are receiving a better education now than years before. And that is a major improvement. But women are not receiving equal pay to men. Women are given the same level education as men and are at the same position but men are receiving a 17% higher pay.
There is a new study from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) that points out the reasons behind lower- pay for women. It is also noted that within Latin families boys are typically treated to receive a higher education then the females. A study has show this from Latin America.
There is a new study from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) that points out the reasons behind lower- pay for women. It is also noted that within Latin families boys are typically treated to receive a higher education then the females. A study has show this from Latin America.
If the belief is there to create equal pay then some things would have to change. For instance, women are granted maternity leave and still receive paychecks. Men would have to be granted leave as well. And as for chores around the house, men would have to pick up the slack and even out the work load.

Cited from this web site, just a click away! Click!
Monday, May 27, 2013
Three main topics
I started off describing what an NGO is and the purpose. But now it's time to get into the juicy topics. The umbrella to my three main topics is Womens Right, specifically in Latin America. And I would be focusing in on womens rights to an education, abuse awareness, and labor rights.
Ill throw in some fun facts as well. And some empowering facts for us women.
ENJOY!! :)
Woman's Rights in Latin America
Women’s Rights Still Denied in Latin America
According to the IPS (Inter Press Service) women still are not granted for their educational, sexual and reproductive rights. Maria Oviedo who is the Argentine training manager for the Latin American and Caribbean Committee for the Defence of Women’s Rights(CLADEM), told IPS. “Enforcement of the laws is the weakest link. Governments lack a comprehensive policy to address these issues.”
It is until the government begins allowing women there freedom then things will begin to change. The government can not just allow them the right, the government needs to put forward with the production of allowing women there freedom.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
What are NGO's ??
NGO is an abbreviation for non-governmental organizations.
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are legally constituted corporations created by natural or legal people that operate independently from any form of government. The term originated from the United Nations, and normally refers to organizations that are not a part of a government and are not conventional for-profit businesses. In the cases in which NGOs are funded totally or partially by governments, the NGO maintains its non-governmental status by excluding government representatives from membership in the organization. In the United States, NGOs are typically non-profit organizations. The term is usually applied only to organizations that pursue wider social aims that have political aspects, but are not openly political organizations such as political parties
NGO's carry out three main activities which are human rights, environmental and developmental work. Depending on the level of the NGO it is either operated as a local, regional, international or national organization.
Objective of my project
Hello everyone!
Well my name is Socorro Ramirez and I am a senior in high school preparing to graduate! But before I graduate I must complete some final assignments and for one, my SENIOR PROJECT!!! What I plan on majoring in is International Studies. And a degree in that can provide you jobs in the political field, working with the United Nations, Embassy's, NGO's and more. Now my focus for my project is working for an NGO that helps raise awareness and to help create a solution for woman's rights in Latin American countries. I am going to explain what an NGO is and the purpose of them.
This is just a little insight in what to expect throughout my blog. I hope you can become well informed about this issue, and learn a little how organizations work to try and lower the rate of the abuse that goes on in the countries.
Well my name is Socorro Ramirez and I am a senior in high school preparing to graduate! But before I graduate I must complete some final assignments and for one, my SENIOR PROJECT!!! What I plan on majoring in is International Studies. And a degree in that can provide you jobs in the political field, working with the United Nations, Embassy's, NGO's and more. Now my focus for my project is working for an NGO that helps raise awareness and to help create a solution for woman's rights in Latin American countries. I am going to explain what an NGO is and the purpose of them.
This is just a little insight in what to expect throughout my blog. I hope you can become well informed about this issue, and learn a little how organizations work to try and lower the rate of the abuse that goes on in the countries.
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